Title: Tiny Tim and the Ghost of Ebenezer Scrooge: The Sequel to A Christmas Carol
Author: Norman Whaler
Genre: Christian-Romance-Historical
My rating: 5/5 Stars
Tiny Tim and the Ghost of Ebenezer Scrooge by Norman Whaler is a sequel to Charles Dickens’ 1843 classic tale. Tiny Tim Cratchit is all grown up, apprenticing in the same counting house his father once did. Despite benefiting from Mr. Scrooge’s love and devotion throughout his life, Tim has struggled to find meaning since losing his Becky, the woman he wanted to marry. When Scrooge himself dies, Tim cannot muster the Christmas joy that his second father had embodied. It appears that Mr. Scrooge has one good deed left in him, as his ghost appears to Tim and attempts to impart one final lesson about God’s love and mercy—and second chances.
I read A Christmas Carol every Christmas season and so was intrigued by the premise of this sequel by Norman Whaler. I was immediately drawn to its p
remise—that Tiny Tim of “God Bless Us Everyone” fame—would require a visit from the ghost of Ebenezer Scrooge during Christmastime. I was also fearful that writing a sequel to a literary classic was too daunting a task for any author. However, I truly enjoyed my reading of Tiny Tim and the Ghost of Ebenezer Scrooge. While it is clear this is not written by Charles Dickens himself, fans of Dickens will recognize Whaler’s writing style and its familiarity will comfort and delight them. Moreover, the themes of Tiny Tim and the Ghost of Ebenezer Scrooge will transport you back to your first reading of A Christmas Carol. Certainly, the “spirit” of A Christmas Carol has been carried on to a delightful and satisfying conclusion in Whaler’s book. Tiny Tim and the Ghost of Ebenezer Scrooge also includes beautiful illustrations and Christmas carols written by the author. Highly recommended for lovers of A Christmas Carol!